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Monday, December 23, 2013

Byham Theater

As an early Christmas gift, GC surprised me with tickets to see A Christmas Carol at the Byham Theater. It was my first trip to the venue and I loved dressing up and venturing downtown to see the show. The theater was a charming blend of old meets new and the performance was equally admirable.

Glitter Grad

I "capped" off my undergraduate career at Virginia Tech this past weekend and donned a glitter-painted cap. It was a hit, and my Instagram was even retweeted by the Virginia Tech Twitter account! It was bold, but I went for it. When in doubt, choose glitter!

With the loads of leftover Martha Stewart glitter paint, I decided to paint wooden frames for my sweet friends. I tried to pick patterns and colors to suit the personalities and pulled it off with the help of Frog painting tape.